This should not be front paged
This game made me want to cry. Hamas launched 100 rockets into israel within a week, and when israel retaliates, everyone strikes out at them. This game seems to suggest that the israelis are targeting any palestinians, whether they are terrorists or civilians, and that the palestinian terrorists are harmless, or at worst, a slight inconvenience. It is true that there is a much higher casualty rate in the gaza strip, but israelis are targeting terrorists, ehile the palestinians are targeting whoever tehy can get their hands onto. fighting guerrilla warfare is not an easy task. but if no action is taken, the terrorists will grow more confident, and when they obtain more accurate rockets that can travel further distances, they will not hesitate to launch them into cities like tel aviv and jerusalem. this is a war, and criticizing israel for taking part in it is absurd and revolting. the palestinians have been offered 98% of the occupied territories, which they refused. israel has built them housing, which they do not use. the terrorists do not want the occupied terretories back, and they do not want help. they want all of israel, and they want all the israelis dead or gone from israel. there are very few ways to deal with a situation like that. attacking the palestinian terrorists is one way to acomplish that. doing nothing will lead to the destruction of israel.